Our rights, our future, right now: It’s Human Rights Day, will you join in the campaign?

By Just Itty

Join in the campaign! 

Enlighten People on our Rights!

Human Rights Day is celebrated annually around the wold on December 10. In 1948 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with a day set aside to commemorate it. After its inauguration on December 4, 1950, and 76 years later, here we are in 2024 commemorating the day with the theme “Our rights, our future, right now.”

From the right to life, right to freedom of speech, right to religion among others, we are reminded daily of all the efforts governmental and non-governmental organisations put into campaigns to raise awareness about this day. But how successful have these campaigns proven to be when many people are not even aware of this commemoration? In our opinion, it will take the commitment of everyone who is alive right now and desires a bright future for all, to be an advocate of this remarkable day.

As corporations, governmental bodies, and individuals around the world join in this 2024 Human Rights Day commemoration, it is important to remind everyone to recognise and establish all human rights. These are rights that dignify human beings and make them feel they are who they are meant to be. Ensure to respect each person’s rights, regardless of race, religion or orientation. No matter the circumstance, human rights are to be upheld.

So, will you be a part of the campaign? And if so, in what way will you join in the campaign?

For us at Just Itty, this is a challenge to us as content creators to embed equality, dignity, and freedom in our work. Let us inspire change and advocate for a better future.

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